This is how I shower.

PG-13 (Private parts are censored)

Monte Thakkar
3 min readJan 5, 2014

Get this… the angle made by the shower head from the adjacent wall can directly affect your productivity and has the power to make you an achiever. Wondering how? Allow me to explain.

I shower once everyday. This practice is very normal in most modern cultures as showering promotes cleanliness and prevents odour. It also relaxes the body and is believed to have general therapeutic value. On most days my showering pattern is: rinse my body, shampoo my hair, soap my body, think, rinse my body again, and out of the shower. Then, jump around a bit, furiously rub my hair, dry my body and get out of the bathroom. Very routine and straight up boring, to be honest. Although some days are different. Different how you ask? Simply put, in the relative position of the shower head.

After conducting several shower-time experiments(which were extremely hot and steamy), I have come to believe that there is a direct realtionship connecting the angle between the shower head and the vertical of the adjacent wall to how productive my day will be. For instance, on a typical school day with two classes and 5 hours of work, my shower head is pointed roughly 55 degrees west of the adjacent wall. This enables the water to gently fall on my lower neck and upper back giving my body a very calm, easy and general feeling of existence. As expected, my day would go by with only a few surprises here and there such as meeting old friends and running into instructors. Contrary to such(regular) days, sometimes I raise my shower head approximately 85 degrees from the vertical. Surprisingly, on such days I tend to be much more involved in my daily activities, I am paying more attention in my classes and I am way more adventurous.

I wish I could own a shower like this some day.

This change in behaviour and attitude I believe, is solely a consequence of the change in the position of the shower head. Here’s why… the greater angle of the shower head causes the water to follow a more linear and direct path on to the top of my head, which seems more natural like a waterfalls. Now, if I want to rinse my face, I am forced to stand on my toes and stretch myself. Turns out, such acts of stretching and striving harder in the shower re-energize me on a physical level and signal my body to get ready for a new and exciting day. And obviously, if your body is feeling ready and excited, so will your mind and heart. That O my readers, is called Monte’s Shower theory.

*for better results spend the last two minutes showering under cold water. This helps open up the pores on your skin and makes you sparkle. Infact this is how vampires shine(you’re welcome).



Monte Thakkar

Product Engineer. Passionate about Mars, Mobile development, Web3 & Blockchain technology.